E3S1Pro Meshes off the bed first probe attempt

Basic Information:

config-20241214-232754.zip (1.7 KB)

Printer Model: Ender 3 S1 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: F4
Host / SBC Raspberry pi 4b

Just got klipper set up and every time i go to create my bed mesh it probes off of the bed first time. my build sheet is 220x220. and i am useing a custom Probe offset mod as well x offset= 46.5. i have tried alot of settings and i either get an error or it probes off the bed. any help is greatly appericated!

Hallo @waldentj !

Please attach the klippy.log, as it was requested, to your next post.

1 Like

logs-20241215-145653.zip (92.2 KB)

Here is my log file too. sorry about the lack of log file.

From the log:

probe at 205.250,20.000 is z=2.862500
Move out of range: 251.500 20.000 5.000 [0.000]

You set the bed_mesh

mesh_min = 20, 20
mesh_max = 205, 205
position_max = 220

The BLtouch offset is

x_offset = -46.5
y_offset = 0
z_offset = 2.900

So the BLtouch is 46.5 mm in front left of of the nozzle.

So that the BLtouch can reach 205, the nozzle has to go 46.5 mm more to the back: 205 + 46.5 = 251.5

You have to reduce the upper limit on the X of the mesh to a lower value.
170 should be good.

so my probe is on the same x as the nozzle. and to its left. these numbers for the probe relocation was given to me from the maker of the mod i printed for it.

Ooops, I messed up X and Y

You may measure the exact distances

here is a link to the mod i have. not sure what else to do/ i made those changes and it still wont probe the last bit

I don’t deny the position of the BLtouch is correct.
But the X upper limit of the bed_mesh is too high.

You can also see it in the Klipper mesh position calculations.

bed_mesh: generated points
Index |  Tool Adjusted  |   Probe
  0   | (76.5, 30.0)    | (30.0, 30.0)
  1   | (120.2, 30.0)   | (73.8, 30.0)
  2   | (164.0, 30.0)   | (117.5, 30.0)
  3   | (207.8, 30.0)   | (161.2, 30.0)
  4   | (251.5, 30.0)   | (205.0, 30.0) # <==
  5   | (251.5, 88.3)   | (205.0, 88.3) # <==
  6   | (207.8, 88.3)   | (161.2, 88.3)
  7   | (164.0, 88.3)   | (117.5, 88.3)
  8   | (120.2, 88.3)   | (73.8, 88.3)
  9   | (76.5, 88.3)    | (30.0, 88.3)
  10  | (76.5, 146.7)   | (30.0, 146.7)
  11  | (120.2, 146.7)  | (73.8, 146.7)
  12  | (164.0, 146.7)  | (117.5, 146.7)
  13  | (207.8, 146.7)  | (161.2, 146.7)
  14  | (251.5, 146.7)  | (205.0, 146.7) # <===
  15  | (251.5, 205.0)  | (205.0, 205.0) # <===
  16  | (207.8, 205.0)  | (161.2, 205.0)
  17  | (164.0, 205.0)  | (117.5, 205.0)
  18  | (120.2, 205.0)  | (73.8, 205.0)
  19  | (76.5, 205.0)   | (30.0, 205.0)

Try with

mesh_min = 20, 20
mesh_max = 185, 205

logs-20241215-145653.zip (92.2 KB)
heres the newest log file from a few minutes ago

As long you do not adapt the bed mesh limits to the size of the bed and the position of the probe, you still will keep that error.

Please try:

speed = 100
mesh_min = 20, 20
mesh_max = 170, 205
algorithm = bicubic
probe_count = 5,4
fade_start = 1
fade_end = 3
fade_target = 0
mesh_pps = 2,2
bicubic_tension = 0.2

forgive me i dont understand. i am having a hard time understand all of this. im trying everything you tell me and it wont go past the first set of probe points

In the printer.cfg, where you changed the offset of the BLtouch, you have to find the [bed_mesh] section.

There you make the change I posted before.

logs-20241215-165737.zip (58.8 KB)

here is the newest log file with those setting of prior. still wont probe the last location before failing.

Why have you changed that?

step_pin = PC2
dir_pin = PB9
enable_pin = !PC3
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 40
endstop_pin = !PA5
position_endstop = -5
position_min = -10
position_max = 185  # <============
homing_speed = 50

That stays at 220. It’s the X-size of the bed,

Have a look here:

so im trying to use the most of my build sheet as i can, i got it to mesh now but now it wont let me print says my frint is too large but its a total of 50mm long at most

So, let me consult my crystal ball. I see…I see…nothing! Oh my gosh, there must be dark magic in place that absorbed all information with which someone could probably diagnose your issue.

Now kidding aside: Please re-read your own post and then ask yourself how anybody could get ANY meaningful information out of it.

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