Ender 3 pro 4.2.2 with sonic pad

Basic Information:

Printer Model: ender 3 pro
MCU / Printerboard:4.2.2

klippy.log (70.4 KB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

So I recently got an ender 3 pro 4.2.2 from a friend and upgraded to a sprite dual extruder with a cr touch I’m currently trying to hook up the sonic pad I’ve also acquired I’m having issues with the setup of the auto leveling of the bed the sprite extruder crashes into the front left of the bed and the cr touch hangs off the front in the initial setup auto bed leveling I know the x and y need to be changed so the cr touch stay on the bed but I’m not sure the input on those numbers or how to put them into the sonic pad thanks in advance

Please read this:

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So with the new update it should have the correct x & y input for the sprite extruder

Latest was released Jan 13, 2024

Edit: The Klipper source files in “Creality_Sonic_Pad_V1.” have a date from Dec 14, 2023

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So I have downloaded the new firmware and I’m still having the same issues with the head crashing into bed on auto level

Why don’t you reveal your klippy.log? This is requested when starting a new topic.

Maybe your problem isn’t relate to the Creality Sonic Pad firmware?

Nobody here can help you with your Creality Sonic Pad. Their firmware isn’t open source, so?

Good luck. hcet14

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klippy.log (70.4 KB)
my bad it took me a few to figure this out im new here my apologies

The SonicPad klippy.log is still the Cre@lity klippy.crap.

There is nothing useful in it. Not even the printer config.

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