Ender 3 S1 Plus - Verify Heater error for extruder

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 S1 Plus
MCU / Printerboard: STM32F401XC
Host / SBC: (aarch64, 64bit)

Describe your issue:

Hi, quite new to to te klipper setup. Just installed it a couple days ago using KIAUH and got it setup with mainsail, moonraker and klipper ofcourse. I’ve got a raspberry pi 4 connected using usb-c to my ender 3 s1 plus via the front IO.

Also setup the printer.cfg file. If needed I can attatch it later to this topic. All warnings are gone, I go through the Ellis tuning guide and everything works fine. Just about to start my first print and I get this error/warning which blocks me from printing.

I’ve looked through these forms and see that it mainly reduces down to a couple of issues. But what I can see from the tests i perform this just happens when heating the print-head. Which earlier when tuning worked just fine when heating up…
If i run the PID_CALIBRATE HEATER=extruder TARGET=200 command I get this error. running the same command for the heater_bed works fine.

Hopefully someone here could help me out so I could get my first print with this firmware going. :').

Much thanks in advance!

klippy (6).log (3.8 MB)

The reason for the error message is this:

Heater extruder not heating at expected rate

caused by


  • The heater cartridge gets no power due to a broken/detached cable
  • The extruder thermistor is detached from the hotend
  • The driver MOSFET on the board is broken.
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Thanks for your quick response. Lucky it was an easy solution, I think the cable loosened when changing out to a new filament…

Closing the issue :slight_smile:


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