Ender 3 v1 Unable to parse option "position endstop"

Basic Information: Trying to setup Ender 3 with Klipper

Printer Model: Ender 3 V1
MCU / Printerboard: SKR E3 V3
klippy(1).log (280.1 KB)

Describe your issue: I am currently setting up Klipper on a Raspberry Pi 3+, connecting to my V1 Ender 3. I am using a Mainsail frontend.

No matter what I try to tweak in the settings I cant get rid of “Unable to parse option ‘position_endstop’ in section 'stepper_z”. This printer has a stock klicky probe so I assumed I would just uncomment the section setting up the BLTouch.
Has anyone come across this before?

position_endstop = 0,0

Notice the comma there?
It has to be a point.

position_endstop = 0.0

Well, I certainly feel silly now. That fixed it right up. Thank you very much for the keen eye!


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