Ender 3v2/4.2.2 m600 not aligned after filament changed

Ender 3 v2
creality 4.2.2 board
Raspberry pi 4 1gb
Dual z axis
Creality Sprite Pro extruder
No screen plugged in / headless

When running m600 command during a print everything about the filament change goes great head moves to park purges small amount out unloads existing filament and i manually load in new filament the click on resume but when it returns to the print it is way off like it moved 20mm any help is greatly appreciated

klippy (9).log (4.4 MB)

I also have more or less the same setup and the same issue
I noticed that the head bumps into the carriage at the right back 235?,235 ?and then goes to 0,0
Not sure why it’s trying to go to the back
After the bump it’s 20 mm off - I am a bit worried as the Sprite pro has wires sticking out there which could be broken if bumped amd obviously the print is ruined
Perhaps We should limit the Bed Size?

This is my code for M600 - can anyone tell us how to avoid it going to 235,235 or whatever the Max is?


[gcode_macro M600]
{% set X = params.X|default(50)|float %}
{% set Y = params.Y|default(0)|float %}
{% set Z = params.Z|default(10)|float %}
G1 E-.8 F2700
G1 Z{Z}
G1 X{X} Y{Y} F3000
G1 E-50 F1000

I tried limiting the bed size and every time the printer would shutdown saying out of range. I had issues when first installing the sprite extruder pro and had to adjust the probe offset to stop it form hitting the x axis screw on the right side of the printer. The weird thing is this printer was doing m600 function perfectly on marlin before changing to klipper so somewhere i have done something wrong or i have been wondering if i need to completely type out the entire klipper printer.cfg file i heard sometimes copy and pasting in can cause problems. I am new to klipper so i just have to get past the learning curve and i am sure in time i will figure it out.

If you delete this section G1 X{X} Y{Y} F3000 it will stop if from going back to 0,0 mine was doing the same thing and will do the change from the back right position or pause position but i still cant figure out why it wont realign with the print. I can get it to pause purge a small amount of filament unload the filament then i reload manually the filament and press resume and its always way off.

My PI crashed and I lost almost all my configs , luckily i had a Backup printer.cfg file
I will check again once everything is back up
I’ve moved the case to the right as I replaced my LCD with a PI and 5Inch display
that might resolve it for me except if the heads wants to travel further than the bed’s dimensions…

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