Printer Model: CR10 Smart Pro
MCU / Printerboard: stock CR10 smart pro
Host / SBC Raspberry pi 3 (3.8 MB)
Describe your issue:
Prints randomly stop and I get Klipper had to shutdown error.
I’m using the official raspberry pi 3 power supply, I have 2 webcams hooked to it.
Can somebody check my log? Is it because of my second nozzle cam (endoscope from aliexpress) ?
It is known that some USB cameras have a negative impact on the USB bus. Exactly why, e.g. too high data rate, too much power, bad camera firmware implementation etc., is not known.
Often these SBCs have only one USB controller, so it is not possible to separate devices to different buses (not sure how RPI handles it).
Sometimes a hub can help.
It’s an HD camera and on moonracker camera setting was set to 1080, maybe lowering the resolution down to its native HD res should help? Or it wouldn’t change anything?