Basic Information:
Printer Model: BLV CUBE
MCU / Printerboard:RADDS with ArduinoDue
Host / SBC
I’m going to finish my BLV Cube, but I have a strange problem with my Klipper configuration: when I try to move the motors, they emit a whistling sound but don’t move. I tried changing the order of wires, but nothing works… until I tried with the Z-axis, where everything worked. The only difference was that, instead of the endstops, it used the ‘virtual endstop’ (BLTouch). I tried configuring the other motors (X, Y, and the 3 extruders) simulating the virtual endstop, and they moved! So ti is not a problem with motors, drivers or cables…
I thought there might be an error in the endstops configuration, but actually their state (“triggered” and “open”) is displayed correctly in Fluidd. Endstops are “two wires” type (gnd and signal)
Any suggest? thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
type or paste code here
step_pin = PA12
dir_pin = PA13
enable_pin = !PB26
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 20
endstop_pin = ^PD9
position_endstop = -2
position_min = -2
position_max = 300
homing_retract_dist = 10
homing_speed = 50.0
second_homing_speed = 10.0
step_pin = PB25
dir_pin = PC28
enable_pin = !PD5
position_min = -2
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 4
endstop_pin = probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_max = 460
position_min = -2
klippy(1).log (32.7 KB)