Extruder active when z axis moves

Basic Information:

Printer Model: CR-10s
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Octopus v1.1 F446
Host / SBC: RPI3b
klippy.log (211.0 KB)

Hi, any ideas how to fix this? Each time the dual axis steppers move, the extruder will follow.
If I do:
G1 Z+1 F1500
then three steppers will move. I have recently migrated the printer to use a btt octopus board and klipper but the wiring is unchanged so I suppose I must have done something wrong in the configuration file. X and Y work as expected.

The answer was in: Extruder motor/ Z axis issue

This board has 9 drivers for 8 axes where driver_2 is mapped as motor2_1 and motor2_2. I did not look at the PCB silkscreen, I only used the driver table in the manual which only has 8 lines not 9. So there is no need to configure stepper_z1 on this board, it seems to be designed as dual in hw already.

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