My extruder and z1 does not work

Printer Model: custom anet am8
MCU / Printerboard: btt octapus pro 1.1 h723
klippy (1).log (1.6 MB)

Configs ## Describe your issue:>
hi !
i am farzad (super noob in coding and configuring marlin and klipper !!!


please help me to fix my 3d printer

my secend z driver dose not moving

also extruder dose not working

and sensorless auto home is too !! my end stops positions is trigerd in all situation

Hello @Farzad !

For the Z axes:

You should use the same values for z and z1:

step_pin = PF11
dir_pin = !PG3
enable_pin = !PG5
rotation_distance = 2
microsteps = 32        # <---------------
endstop_pin = probe: z_virtual_endstop
position_max = 300
position_min = 0
homing_speed = 5
second_homing_speed = 5
homing_retract_dist = 5

step_pin = PG4
dir_pin = !PC1
enable_pin = !PA0
rotation_distance = 2
microsteps = 256       # <---------------


[tmc2240 stepper_z]
cs_pin = PC6
run_current = 0.5      # <----------
hold_current = 0.5
stealthchop_threshold = 100        # <---------- (either 0 or 999999, an on both settings)
interpolate = false
spi_software_sclk_pin = PA5
spi_software_mosi_pin = PA7
spi_software_miso_pin = PA6

[tmc2240 stepper_z1]
cs_pin = PC7
run_current = 0.8      # <----------
hold_current = 0.5
interpolate = false
spi_software_sclk_pin = PA5
spi_software_mosi_pin = PA7
spi_software_miso_pin = PA6

Also this:

TMC 'extruder' reports GSTAT:      0000001d reset=1(Reset) uv_cp=1(Undervoltage!) register_reset=1 vm_uvlo=1
TMC 'extruder' reports GSTAT:      00000000


TMC 'stepper_x' reports GSTAT:      0000001d reset=1(Reset) uv_cp=1(Undervoltage!) register_reset=1 vm_uvlo=1
TMC 'stepper_x' reports GSTAT:      00000000


TMC 'stepper_y' reports GSTAT:      0000001d reset=1(Reset) uv_cp=1(Undervoltage!) register_reset=1 vm_uvlo=1
TMC 'stepper_y' reports GSTAT:      00000000


TMC 'stepper_z' reports GSTAT:      0000001d reset=1(Reset) uv_cp=1(Undervoltage!) register_reset=1 vm_uvlo=1
TMC 'stepper_z' reports GSTAT:      00000000
TMC 'stepper_z1' reports GSTAT:      0000001d reset=1(Reset) uv_cp=1(Undervoltage!) register_reset=1 vm_uvlo=1
TMC 'stepper_z1' reports GSTAT:      00000000


For an extruder, run_current = 0.6 may a bit low.

But first check on your power for the steppers.

You have separate power connectors for the motors:

thanks EddyMI3D my z stepper motor problem fixed but i still have problem in extruder

extruder still not working

and also y axis driver shows -264.7 for temp !!! and also dose not work with sensorlees homing ( x is working )
klippy (4).log (3.0 MB)

just changed the diag1 in y in daig 0 and the problem of sensorlees homing fixed !!
it was weird ! but i stiil have problem of extruder

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