Extruder below minimum temp while still at target temp

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 5 plus
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR3 EZ
klippy (2).log (155.5 KB)
Shape-Box_48m_0.16mm_170C_PLA_ENDER5PLUS.gcode (256.3 KB)

I’ve been working on debugging my ender 5 plus, got klipper installed and now I’m having issues with this extruder below minimum temp which stops the print, the part that has me stumped is that when the error gets thrown up, there are no anomalies that I can see in the Temp graph or in the log. it seems to be printing along just fine until poof out of no where it things them extruder is below min temp.

any help would be appreciated, and I included the Gcode I was using, just incase its a slicer issue.

The default min_extrude_temp is 170. If you want to print at 170, you need to change this value. Otherwise a small temperature drop of a couple tenths of a degree will trigger this error.

That seems to have done the trick! ::knock on wood::


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