Hello everyone,
I use to convert a full CR10S with SKR 1.4 turbo + TMC2209, and 0.9 Stepper motor.
For the extruder I use a pancake 17HS10-0704S.
This setup use to work under Marlin perfectly since months. I decides anyway to move on Klipper for a lot of good reasons.
Everything is fine, prints are amazing but since, I’ve got some kind of whine in the coils of this motor (extruder, something in cycle.
I use 0.800 for current and 0.500 for hold like the previous configuration file from marlin, even try 0.650 - 0.400, and this stepper has a very different noise (I can definitly ear it not like before, it was silent).
The extruder is a Microswiss direct drive with no reduction, which is a lot to take for the size of the motor, but it worked just fine.
As far as I know, prints a perfect, no artefacts from extruder found. Anyway with very fine layer the motor loose steps because of the force needed to aply pressure.
Have you guys a hint about the whining issue? Thanks in adavnce