Extruder with endstop

It seems that there is a lot to talk about :slight_smile:

Is there any useful info in the logs? All the configs must be updated to match your pins. The current pin names are specific to my setup; a couple Arduino CNCshields.

If it’s all right with you we can chat by PMs - to solve the issue and avoid cluttering the thread.

We can share the solution here later on.

It looks great! I wanted to reuse a 3D-printer for that but wasn’t convinced by the moving bed.

What are you printing?

I wanted to try painting on YPD plates with my yeasts for fun.

I think you can use the extruder homing feature for endstop 2 (the lower one).

My fork will do CNC-style probing too, so you can try use endstop 1 (the top one) as a regular “probe”.

Know that there are “upstream” issues in Klipper with absolute extrusion and tool-changing; this means that the “0” origin of the extruder will not be very useful for now. For details see: Bug: extruder [re]activation applies the incorrect coordinate system

It can be patched though. I’m waiting for Kevin to share his thoughts.

Of course, it’s a “pipetting” robot for simple lab protocols: Open Lab Automata / Pipetting Bot · GitLab

Mainly micropipettes and tips instead of syringes. There are a few videos of it moving around (?)

That would be lovely :slight_smile: let’s talk!

You may want to join Jubilee’s lab automation channel on Discord. We also can talk over there, and others will surely help.

Best and thanks for sharing too!

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