Firmware retract speed limitation

Basic Information:

Printer Model:Wanhao duplicator 6 ( highly modified )
MCU / Printerboard: Ultimain 2h (Atmega 2560)
klippy.log (565.7 KB)

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Describe your issue:

There seems to be some other limitation to the speed of firmware retraction with G10 / G11 commands
tests I have performed.

  1. During a print, starting from 10mm/s and in increments of 10, i increase the firmware retraction using “set_retraction” command. The audible frequency of the extruder increase until it hits about 40mm/s where it does not increase further points to no further increase in speed. max_extrude_only velocity and acceleration are (100 and 10,000) respectively.

  2. with filament unloaded and relative extrusion set, issuing “G1 E20 F1000” with increasing feedrate responds as expected exceeding the 40mm/s speed (2400mm/min) all the way to 6000 where it starts to skip steps.

Expected outcome. The speed of G10 and G11 commands during a print is only limited by the value of max_extrude_only_velocity

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