First install : all tests done but no prints

I installed Klipper for my V-King corexy printer, did all the checks and tuning. When I try to upload and start a print the printer starts to heat up, warns me I should home first (isn’t that in the start script ?) and nothing else happens. When I try to cancel in Mainsail I get a rotating cursor but nothing else happens.
I would really appreciate some guidance here.

Please attach the klippy.log file here.

Regarding your homing topic: Start script is outside of the scope of Klipper itself. Any start G-Code needs to be established and called in the slicer.
You basically have two options:

  1. Put all needed command like G28, M104 / M109, M140 / M190, purge-line, etc. into your slicer’s start G-Code
  2. Create a specialized start-up G-Code command in Klipper and have this command be called from your slicer

I opted for the second option which I copied from the Voron Trident which is a similar machine with three independent z-steppers and adpted to my machine :

[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
M117 Homing… ; display message
G28 Y0 X0 Z0
G28 Y0 X0 Z0

Purge Line Gcode
G92 E0;
G0 X20 Y0 F6000
G0 Z0.4
G1 X120 E30 F1200;
G1 Y1
G1 X-120 E30 F1200;
G92 E0;

G1 Z15.0 F600 ;move the platform down 15mm
G1 X0 Y0 F3000
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F9000
M117 Printing...

klippy.log (2.0 MB)

From your log:

Unknown command:"START_PRINT"
Unknown command:"M900"
Must home axis first: 271.295 57.998 0.300 [-0.800]
Exiting SD card print (position 435)

Probably you should check your slicer settings

The only thing I have the start code in my slicer (Cura) is START_PRINT.
Cura has no Linear Advance setting so I have no idea where this M900 is coming from.
I don’t know why start_print should be an unknown command.

Maybe because you named your macro PRINT_START and not START_PRINT? :innocent:

Now I feel really stupid. Thank you very much. I’ll test it tomorrow.

Regarding the M900, this is Marlin’s linear advance. Maybe you have the Cura plugin for this installed.

No, I removed it specifically for Klipper. I have no idea how it can be called from Klipper.

The gcode has M900 in it, so you need to figure out why/how it’s being inserted by the slicer. Klipper is simply telling you that the gcode file has a line in it calling M900, and it doesn’t recognize that as a valid gcode. It probably isn’t a problem, and Klipper will simply ignore it other than giving you a warning message.

You’re right it is in the gcode
M900 K0.000000 T0 ;added by LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin

However, I uninstalled the Linear advance plugin, it’s gone from the plugin folder so how is this still here ?

Ok, so I sliced the same stl again and this time all references to linear advance were gone.
I’ve no idea how or what but I’m happy :slight_smile: