Fresh Klipper installation


Some time ago, I was advised to install everything from scratch myself because there were some issues with my klippy.log, and everything on my SD card had been installed by someone else.

Now I have the new SD card and am about to install everything again.

I have some noob questions about this.

The Klipper documentation says that as part of the OS Sanity Checks and Fixes, you should follow these steps on this link.

However, I have installed the 32-bit Debian-Bookworm, which comes with the udev policy deb12u1, and this is on the list of udev policies linked to by Klipper. Have I understood correctly that, in this case, I don’t need to do anything?

Furthermore, I assume it’s okay to go deeper into OS Sanity Checks and Fixes than Klipper recommends?

Lastly, I want to install as much as possible on the SD card before installing it in my printer. This way, my printer can remain operational while I configure and install as much as possible. Is it okay to wait to flash Klipper, etc.? And is it also fine to flash Klipper with KIAUH, as the documentation mentions it’s acceptable if the system has been flashed with Klipper before?

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