Clean install of Linux/Klipper

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Kingroon KLP1
MCU / Printerboard:
Host / SBC Custom mks skipr

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Hello, I have a question, is it possible to install or create your own Linux for any motherboard of any printer and how complicated is this?
Let me give you a little context, I recently purchased a kingroon KLP1 printer that came with Klipper already installed, the thing is, I really like to have my devices updated to the latest versions, the printer comes with a MKE SKIPR board customized by kingroon, when I checked the updates from SSH I saw that not many of the modules were updated to the latest version, so I have tried to update everything until the system has left me pre-packaged by the brand, there are many of the modules that I have not been able to update because the brand puts caches in the system so that this does not happen and others have come into conflict by forcing the update against those that cannot be and stay in older versions.

I don’t really know much about linux and maybe I’m writing inconsistencies in this post with the humility of learning and understanding a little more, the thing is the system image provided by Kingroon comes with klipper 11 and python 8.7, I was able to force Klipper to update to version 12, but then klipper Screen conflicts and on the screen it says that the python version is old and that the minimum version required is 8.8, additionally on the Fluid dashboard I get a legend that the machine’s acceleration parameter is out of date in the printer cfg, I tried to update python without positive results because the emmc is 8 gbs and it runs out of memory when trying to compile the new version, etc.

The thing is that neither Kingroon nor Makerbase have updated versions of the operating system and firmware images for the board, so I had a doubt, can it be possible to create or install Linux or a Linux-based system as they should be clean but in more updated versions and from there install Klipper, and everything necessary with the command line from SSH and in that way have a system without locks and updated?

So according to the MKS Github for this board: GitHub - makerbase-mks/MKS-SKIPR: MKS SKIPR is an all-in-one board launched by Makerbase for running Klipper. It integrates the RK3328 SOC running the Klipper host and the STM32F407VET6 MCU responsible for executing specific machine actions. It meets the use of most 3D printers.

MKS use a version of Armbian (a fork of Debian Linux for Arm devices). Armbian has a lot of up to date libraries so that is a good start.

The question is how much Kingroon has customised the OS?

Are you able to gain root access to the board (as in a super user with full privilages)?

same hardware, but with different configurations like corexy GitHub - Lebensgefahr/kingroon_kp3s_pro_v2
note that there are motherboards 2.0 and 2.2 with different extruder configurations, I had to update the firmwares, of the main board and the extruder, after updating the klipper, it wasn’t easy… and as mentioned I lost some customizations, if you do it make a backup. it’s a difficult way to learn about linux, firmwares, macros
I think it would be like this.
armbian basic → git → kiaul → klipper → firmwares → configs
… I was without it for a few days. lots of research and reading

From what I’ve tried, it is possible to get root access, but I don’t know if with full privileges.
I’m attaching screenshots of the code evidence I get when trying to apply a

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

from ssh, I don’t know if it could be due to the modification or customization that Kingroon made, but it doesn’t allow applying updates to the distribution, even when I try to update python it shows me that I have the latest version available 3.7.


The Linux distribution on your board is made by Armbian and based on Debian Buster. For Debian Buster the officially available Python 3 version is 3.7, so everything is according to the expectations.

If the Linux OS is running stable, then there is no reason to try forcing updates. On the contrary, for someone without Linux administration experience, I would not recommend it at all.
To emphasize: Unless some relevant bugs are known, there is usually nothing gained by going bleeding edge. Buster distributions are known to play well with Klipper.

Thank you very much, I have a Cheetah v2.2 with THR v2, I’ll take a look at it and try it, it seems to be the way to go, and as I mentioned also an opportunity to learn about Linux, I appreciate the information, as much as I searched I couldn’t find any relevant information.

I have no problem with having the machine out of service for several days.

So you were able to complete your image, as an additional question, what customizations did you lose?
I have a backup of all the factory settings of the machine, is there anything else I have to consider backing up?

Greetings. I’m not sure, due to forgetfulness, but I believe there were options on the display for probe offset, show ip and bed probe. I use these through the web interface, but I believe there were on the display, I opened the download image and copied the differences, but I believe the download image is not the same as the one that came with the printer, which in my case was lost, or it’s just my imagination… Long live and prosper. :wink: S2
“mks” home folder I think. if there’s still time,

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