G4 wait command ignored

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Sidewinder X2
MCU / Printerboard: stock Ruby + Raspi 3B

logs-20240107-134334.zip (9.1 KB)

Describe your issue:

After finishing heating the bed I would like Klipper to pause for another 30 seconds to allow the bed temperature to even out across the whole bed.

I inserted a G4 command into the start macro but it simply gets ignored and the macro continues immediately.

What am I doing wrong?

Hello @Igl !

You may insert a M400 command before the G4 to be sure it starts after the M190 finished.


Will try!
But I thought G190 already means "heat bed and continue only when done“

Yes, it should…

M400 doesnt work

Was worth a try

Are you absolutely sure that the G4 command isn’t waiting? Keep in mind that methods like action_respond_info are executed immediately upon template evaluation. In other words, before your START_PRINT gcode actually runs, the messages "Waiting 30s for temperature" and "Waiting done" will be sent. You can configure the respond section and use either the M118 or RESPOND gcode command to send messages in order of execution.

You can always create dedicated macros for testing purposes where you could for instance put two different messages in and a G4 with some seconds in between and then you should notice whether it works or not.


working as expected now, thank you!

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