I am making a thing that presses an AeroPress, and I need my GCODE buttons to work correctly. From what it seems, when I press the button once, it senses it 7 times, which is not ideal.
How do I go about fixing this?
Probably as indicated by @EddyMI3D it is a bouncing effect of the switch / button.
As Klipper is not offering a user setting for debouncing, there are basically two alternatives that might even need to be combined:
High quality button
Hardware debouncing, in the worst case via Schmitt trigger inverter (I tried debouncing once with just some regular RC network and had little success)
Hi, it appears that only one of my buttons does that - and it is the cheapest microswitch I could find (MSW-22 for half a buck), so I might swap it out with a spare one. But I am not sure if it matters that it has debounce, since I want to use it as an endstop. My other red and green buttons (PBS-33B) are working flawlessly.