Getting an error with make on SKR Mini 3 v2

I’m getting an error when I use the command make after doing the config. This error is:

make: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found
make: *** [Makefile:64: out/src/sched.o] Error 127

What can I do about this?

Did you closely follow Installation - Klipper documentation?
Especially ./klipper/scripts/ Did it complete without error?

I had to go back and check but I believe it did. I’ve attached a screenshot of that command.


sudo apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Then repeat the installation. This happens due to a update of the underlying Debian linux

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Great! That did work. Unfortunately, I’m hitting a new roadblock. Apparently my serial port file wasn’t written.

Any idea how I can move forward with this error?

Make sure to have followed the information on top of klipper/generic-bigtreetech-skr-mini-e3-v2.0.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub

You need to rename klipper.bin to firmware.bin and copy it to the SKR’s SD card and reboot. After a successful flash the file firmware.bin will be renamed to firmware.cur on the SD

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OK. Perfect! Thanks so much for your help!! So, it looks like the file klipper.bin is now on my raspberry pi put there via octopi. I tried removing the micro SD from the raspberry pi, putting it in my computer, and searching for that klipper.bin file from there. But the only .bin file on there is called bootcode.bin. How do I get the file klipper.bin onto the SD card?

Well, there are a lot of options.
Try WinSCP-Transfering Files From Windows PC’s – Raspberry Pi Projects to get the file from your Pi to your Win machine and copy to the SD from there

It had to be a windows PC. Of course I’m on a Mac. :sweat_smile:

AFAIK the Mac has scp on the command line

You should be able to use something like this in Terminal:

scp pi@octopi.local:~/klipper/out/klipper.bin ~/Desktop
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Unfortunately that didn’t work. I’m seeing that…Something happened. But the file never ended up on my desktop. This is what I’m seeing:

I also tried downloading cyberduck but couldn’t get that to work. I also followed this guide but couldn’t connect to the Pi server:
Transfer Files Between Your Mac and Raspberry Pi.

You need to run this command on your Mac not on the RPi

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YES!! That worked. Thank you so much for your help!!

I did this and still got the same error when I tried running ‘make’ again. I even ran your suggestion again, then ran ‘menuconfig’ again and it still had the same result. Any tips?

My suggestion is opening a new topic rather than commenting on a thread that’s more than 2 years old.

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I figured it out. Just had to install Klipper again. I also upgraded Python since it was 3 years expired on my pi. Keeping here for future reference.