Head crash on z homing - Voron 2.4

New build of a Voron 2.4 350mm.

I had to abort the first few prints, via octoprint ui as one of my belts was slipping on the gantry and causing layer shifts. Once resolved I restarted the homing process. I was able to successfully home XY (via octoprint home XY). When I went to home Z, via octoprint home z, instead of it going to the z end stop position, the head moved to the upper left corner (approx 300,300) on the build plate and crashed.

Upon a clean restart of everything, z homing works fine.

Once I resolved the belt issue and no longer got slips on the stepper, this problem can’t be reproduced as of yet. Seems odd that XY homing would work but Z went elsewhere?

Hello @tempestaz !

It would be quite handy if you can share the klippy.log

klippy.log attached
klippy.log (2.4 MB)