Help with printer

So i bought a used printer from a person who bought from someone else after it quit working. so its a unknown basket case. i have installed a manta map and cb1 on it. lots of uknowns. no info on model anyything. i did manage to get the screen to show a logo with old component but search showed nothing for that company. assuming its a knock off. first thing i originally thought it was a core xy printer as the bed rises. but it isn’t set up like any core xy I’ve seen . so assuming its a cartesian. I’m know in the process of testing stepper motors . the motor moves in the wrong direction with the step buzz command. inserting “!” on the dir pin does not change it. there is no markings on any of the stepper motors, so I’m wondering if the wiring is correct. i do have the wires separated by coils. if the 2 wires for a single coil are reversed in the connector on the board will this affect the direction not changing ? end stop is working correctly. also on the end stops the y axis that im currently messing with is at the front right of the printer. so maybe the config is wrong for location and max. max im sure is off as i have not figured out the size of printer yet. . im not very software savvy but have a decent understanding of it.

Hello @Lkelley52 !

Deleting the template right from the start is not helpful at all.
It b.t.w. asked for the klippy.log.

Auch when you know not much about the printer, a more structured writing would be quite helping too. It’s not quite easy to read such huge block of text.

So please attach the klippy.log to your next post.

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Sorry about the structure of text. I hate asking for help, i can usually figure things out with research. As far as deleting the template, the printer had been previously butchered by previous owner who bought it thinking he would fix it. He could not get it to work properly. i Got the printer at a good price. figured i would just start over and install klipper as my other printer is running that. there is no tags anything on the printer.

I was able to get the printer to load a logo with the old box of parts that was included. Research came up with nothing. Assuming its a knock off.

I have installed a manta m8p with a cb1. I’ve had to re-wire some connectors. the stepper motors have no info on them. I have black and green wire as a pair and red and blue for the other by continuity test.

Could the black and green wire be reversed in the connector ?

I do the stepp buzz test and the motor goes in the direction of the end stop. I’ve tried adding a “!” to the dir pin. Changes nothing .

my endstop for this axis is at the front right of printer


step_pin: PE2
dir_pin: PE1
enable_pin: !PE4
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PF3
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 235
homing_speed: 50

klippy (1).log (5.3 MB)

That is strange. Have you made a SAVE_CONFIG after the change?

yes i did . figured out that problem anyways (wasnt restarting klipper after saving)

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