Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ender 3 S1 Pro f01 chip
MCU / Printerboard: Not sure
Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log
file. Pasting your printer.cfg
is not needed
Describe your issue: Not sure how to obtain a Klipper.log, Im new to 3d printing and new to klipper , glad to be part of this community and hope i can expand my knowledge and contribute eventually,
I just got the sonic pad for my ender 3s1pro and i’m getting the error attached on my screen, it’s running fine and printing fine , but the print stops , the printer remains kn but i get the following screen basically printer disconnects from sonic pad, tried multiple cables , printing from local hs printing from USB , i googled the issue and someone on this page posted it and apparently they were telling klipper to shut off, im in no way messing with anything to tell it to shut kff , can someone guide me into obtaining klipper log to get you guys more info on what’s going on
moonraker.log (1.1 MB)
klippy.log (293.5 KB)