Help with Two Trees Tech skr 1.5 turbo tmc2209 UART config


I have a Two Trees skr 1.5 turbo board ( its basically a BTT 1.4 turbo clone ) using their TMC2209 drivers.

The printer homes and moves when I disable the tmc2209 stepper lines in the cfg file ( but all other movement is exaggerated ( from what I read that is due to not actually using the drivers), but when I try to enable them I get an “Unable to read tmc uart ‘stepper_x’ register IFCNT” error

There doesn’t seem to be any documentation on this board and I have tried to reach out to them and have gotten no response. I have included the cfg file.

Hopefully someone here can help even if it is only with the docs for the board.


TWOTREES_1_5_TURBO_TMC_2209_printer.cfg (2.6 KB)

See Two Trees v1.5 Turbo Controllers Unresponsive

Make sure your Jumper settings are according to BIGTREETECH-SKR-V1.3/BTT SKR V1.4 Instruction Manual.pdf at master · bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-SKR-V1.3 · GitHub

If it does not work, please attach the klippy.log file

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Hi! Did you find a solution for this problem? I have th exact same Problem with the BTT SKR 1.4 board and tmc2209 drivers.

printer.cfg (4.6 KB)

The board worked flawlessly with marlin2 a few days ago, so the drivers and wiring are probably ok. I also tried lowering the baudrate in klippy/extras/ and raising the senddelay in klippy/extras/ but nothing changed.
Changing the uart_address as suggested in other posts also has no effect. I even disabled all uart ports on drivers except stepper_x by setting a static_digital_output as suggested in klipper doc.
The motors are just making a short sound, then apparently the mcu shuts down.

Another Thing i just noticed: i can read values using the uart (if i’m correct?) using dump_tmc stepper=stepper_x. But reading IFCNT using the REGISTER parameter returns !! Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register GCONF

Hello @nuhudel !

If after 3 years this thread is not marked as solved, there is obviously no solution.

I recommand to open a new thread with all requested information.

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