How find a error in linked config files

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Vcore 31
MCU / Printerboard: Octopues pro + ebb
klippy.log (279.9 KB)


i am on fire…

i am changing the zprobe i use.

and now i get this error…

Unknown pin chip name ‘probe’

I have the Klipper configuration in multiple files linked with [include…] and I’m having a hard time finding where that record is.

What method could I use to find where this error is?

You’re experiencing the same issue that I had when I first started using Klipper. As a software developer, I like to keep the size of files down to just functional blocks that include related functionality - In my case, I wanted to have my CAN toolhead controller in a separate cfg file that I could include in. Unfortunately, this approach is problematic with Klipper for a variety of reasons (in my case, I couldn’t properly use PROBE_CALIBRATE and, in yours, it’s very difficult to find syntax errors like the one that you have).

The best solution is to put everything in the printer.cfg file that relates to the operation of 3D printing. You can include in put ancillary functions (I do that for LED macros) but for everything to do with printing, it’s best that they are in the printer.cfg file.

Something else I found out the hard way that may help you; if there are repeated parameters in printer.cfg, then the last parameter is the one that is picked up by the Jinja2 processor (which interprets the printer.cfg file). You might have a correct “probe” statement in one of your includes but it could overridden by a “probe” statement that appears in another include that is loaded later.

Good luck!


i have findd some info, its realted with this


endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop

but i dont know how to solve…

Your klippy.log does not contain any errors …

Are you using TMC2209s with sensorless homing?

If so then you probably don’t have all the necessary arguments needed for the function.


Working i haved a Pinda clone…

And I want to try one called Bdsensor


Think i have…

In the details is the difference… The mistake, of course, was mine.

Yo conigure the new Zprobe… In the cfg files, I put a blank space that didn’t have to be in front of the “group.” Once deleted, it doesn’t give me that error