How to speed up Z_Tilt?

My printer works fine, but I was wondering if there is a way to improve the speed of the Z_Tilt process. It usually takes 4-6 tries to get the gantry level to within 0.1mm.

Is the calculation just really conservative, or is this normal?

7:44 pm
Retries: 4/10 Probed points range: 0.082500 tolerance: 0.100000
7:44 pm
Making the following Z adjustments:
stepper_z = -0.103450
stepper_z1 = -0.030059
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.859123
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.859123
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.851623
7:44 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.779123
7:44 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.776623
7:44 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.766623
7:44 pm
Retries: 3/10 Probed points range: 0.165000 tolerance: 0.100000
7:44 pm
Making the following Z adjustments:
stepper_z = -0.089123
stepper_z1 = 0.057696
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.889937
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.887437
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.879937
7:44 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.722437
7:44 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.729937
7:44 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.722437
7:44 pm
Retries: 2/10 Probed points range: 0.267500 tolerance: 0.100000
7:44 pm
Making the following Z adjustments:
stepper_z = -0.102437
stepper_z1 = 0.135576
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.971468
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.971468
7:44 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=3.961468
7:44 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.703968
7:43 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.703968
7:43 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.693968
7:43 pm
Retries: 1/10 Probed points range: 0.467500 tolerance: 0.100000
7:43 pm
Making the following Z adjustments:
stepper_z = -0.148968
stepper_z1 = 0.266967
7:43 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=4.164896
7:43 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=4.159896
7:43 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=4.152396
7:43 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.692396
7:43 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.694896
7:43 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.687396
7:43 pm
Retries: 0/10 Probed points range: 0.710000 tolerance: 0.100000
7:43 pm
Making the following Z adjustments:
stepper_z = -0.324896
stepper_z1 = 0.306814
7:43 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=4.360000
7:43 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=4.362500
7:43 pm
probe at 177.950,32.997 is z=4.360000
7:43 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.650000
7:43 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.650000
7:43 pm
probe at -11.997,32.997 is z=3.645000
7:43 pm

Here is my config:

speed: 200
 -12,33 # left probe
  177.95,33  # right probe
retries: 10
retry_tolerance: 0.1
horizontal_move_z: 10

So this is normal for a Dual 8mm pitch Lead-screw equipped BedSlinger?

sorry for my english… :grimacing:

If this happens every time ist looks like your Bed is not leveled absolute parallel to your X-Gantry. (left side too low)

The Z_TILT_ADJUST “push” the X-Gantry mechanically parallel to your Bed. When the Steppers are powered off and the printer Materials are cooling down and are relaxing the mechanical forces relax again in their build-position and maybe the Gantry is out of angle again.

  • Check the Angles of your Gantry in a “relaxed” position with an triangle ruler. They have to be 90°
  • Power on your Steppers (Homing on X and Y)
  • Level your Bed in that “relaxed” position of your Gantry.

Maybe that should help to get that Adjustment in fewer Steps.

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Thank you, I’ll give those suggestions a go.

My bed should be reasonably level as it’s rigidly mounted using aluminum mounts and spacers, that I made in my CNC machine, + linear rails.

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That’s a nice Setup! Think you are not the one to check the 90° angels… :smile: :upside_down_face:

Maybe you can use some Shims to get the Bed on one side higher…
I’m still thinking that could be a solution…

Looking forward to hear if you find a solution.

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Cheers, it’s been a while since I checked everything for squareness and angles. So I’ll definitely do that.

I’m going on family vacation in 12 hours, so I won’t be able to check it until I return in about 6 days.

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I finally got around to checking this … and you were right. Turned out my bed wasn’t mounted level to the bed carrier.

I’d used nylon spacers (in an attempt to protect the PCB heater from rubbing on the Aluminium spacers) that appear to have changed thickness with heat. After removing them, the issue is resolved and even when intentionally un-levelled, it only takes ~3 attempts to level the gantry.


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