Z_TILT_ADJUST behaviour

I’m trying to figure out why my bed mesh is not working and currently making sure I understand how Z_TILT_ADJUST works.
After powering on the printer I did:


This was the output of the first adjustment:

Making the following Z adjustments:
stepper_z = -0.021311
stepper_z1 = -0.027024
stepper_z2 = -0.038129

Then 2 more adjustments until:

stepper_z = 0.002843
stepper_z1 = -0.002191
stepper_z2 = -0.001479

So now the adjustments are in 0.002 range, so 10x lower than after initial one.

Then I did G28 Z and run Z_TILT_ADJUST again and the result was:

Making the following Z adjustments:
stepper_z = -0.032565
stepper_z1 = -0.027077
stepper_z2 = -0.026515

Is it an expected behavior?
Why would it need to adjust the tilt at all after the homing? I would expect that the first Z_TILT_ADJUST is adjusting the tilt, so the bed is perfectly level. Then G28 Z just moves the bed up and down for the probing of the offset at 150,150 so the bed should still be level. But for some reason after homing it’s still making adjustments in 0.02 range? The bed was supposed to be level at this point.

Is it part of some z-tilt logic to start from bigger adjustments after the Z-homing?

What printer do you use?
What probe is used for Z measurements and what is its accuracy?
Depending on your kinematic accuracy there might be some deviation after a particular movement of Z.
But it also looks that your stepper Z has some issues as its quite off of the other steppers.

It’s Voron Trident 300 printer.
The probe is Chaoticlabs CNC Tap V2.
I think the measuring accuracy is pretty good.
One of the things I tried was doing the Z_TILT_ADJUST a couple of times, then going down and up and then another Z_TILT_ADJUST. The adjustment was last really minimal (0.001 or 0.002).
But the moment I did G28 Z it was like it started from scratch.

Z_TILT_ADJUST needs a succeeding G28 Z as it might change the Z offset to the nozzle.
So you might want to home Z before and at least after Z-tilting.

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