Wrong caculation with z_tilt?


I’m on the way to setup a Formbot T-Rex 3 for Klipper.

All is fine, also stepper_z1 runs well, but…
When I try to run a Z_TILT_ADJUST, I get wierd results:

Recv: // probe at 20.000,200.000 is z=2.243750
Recv: // probe at 20.000,200.000 is z=2.236250
Recv: // probe at 20.000,200.000 is z=2.243750
Recv: // probe at 380.000,200.000 is z=2.593750
Recv: // probe at 380.000,200.000 is z=2.600000
Recv: // probe at 380.000,200.000 is z=2.593750
Recv: // Making the following Z adjustments:
Recv: // stepper_z = -0.238467
Recv: // stepper_z1 = 0.194906
Recv: // Retries: 0/10 Probed points range: 0.354583 tolerance: 0.005000
Recv: // probe at 20.000,200.000 is z=2.488467
Recv: // probe at 20.000,200.000 is z=2.482217
Recv: // probe at 20.000,200.000 is z=2.484717
Recv: // probe at 380.000,200.000 is z=2.832217
Recv: // probe at 380.000,200.000 is z=2.835967
Recv: // probe at 380.000,200.000 is z=2.837217

So, in the first run, Z is -0.238467 too low and Z1 is 0.194906 too high.

So Klipper should add 0.238467 to Z and subtract 0.194906 from Z1.

But in the second run Z is obviously 0.238467 higher than before, but Z1 also is higher instead lower.

This are my Z stepper setups:

step_pin: PL3
dir_pin: PL1
enable_pin: !PK0
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 4
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_min: -4.25
position_max: 500

step_pin: PA5
dir_pin: PA3
enable_pin: !PA7
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 4

And this my z_tilt setup:

speed: 100
horizontal_move_z: 10
retries: 10
retry_tolerance: 0.005

I’m afraid, I missed something.

Any Ideas or experiences?

Never mind.

The issue is found: He sits on this side of the keyboard.

I had the wrong cable connected to stepper Z1


I’m pretty sure that many of us have done just that one way or another.

If your bed is not very flat at the specified Y position, you may want to add more probing points along X to get a better overall fit. I do mine with 6 points for example, with the two outer ones on each side being tighter than the inner ones. But if yours work, don’t bother.

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