ILI9488 display controller support

I’m looking to add support for this display and display controller(ILI9488), it’s present on Tronxy machines(also sold as the mks robin tft35 module, sapphire pro printer, etc).
It drives a 480x320 color TFT display with XPT2046 touch controller, FSMC 16 bit access.

driver datasheet:

¿what is needed to add support?

You may want to look at the support discussed at:


I’ve checked that pull request, but from what i understand the only usable part regarding these TFT35 screens is the touch controller support as that pull does not use FSMC and bitbangs on 8bit, instead of using the full 16bit+FSMC/DMA which would solve all the bw/update issues (but limits to high density STM32 mcus).

i see that in sources none of the controllers listed currently use FSMC, so it should start that way i guess.
If not then how to adapt the code from the st7789vto the ili9488