I don’t know how much more specific I should be. I’m looking for documentation on what to do when Klipper overcompensates for the bed mesh. It compensates way too much—in the blue area, the nozzle gets far too close to the bed, while in the red area, it moves too far away, to the point where there’s no bed adhesion.
If you zoom in on the pictures, you’ll see it more clearly. For PETG, I use a large extrusion on my first layer—but I kind of have to in order to mask the mistakes that are there. I use a first layer height of 0.35mm.
If documentation on this issue isn’t missing entirely, it’s certainly difficult to find.
I’ve already described what I’ve done—check my previous post. I’ve installed new parts for my gantry and Z-axis and used two tools thise https://www.printables.com/model/1060868-cartographer-probe-nozzle-offset-tool and thise https://www.printables.com/model/1103427-cartographer-3d-beacon-3d-simple-manual-offset-hel to locate the X and Y position of the probe relative to the nozzle. I’ve also modified my print start macro by adding an extra home before Z_TILT_ADJUST
and another after bed mesh calibration.
I recently disassembled my gantry again to ensure nothing is twisted. I’ve adjusted bicubic_tension
from 0.001 up to 0.4, and after that, I tested mesh_pps
from 2,2 up to 3,3.
I wiped everything from my Raspberry Pi, reinstalled Klipper on a new SD card, flashed my MCU, and reflashed my Cartographer probe.
Yet, the issues persist. Things worked fine for the first two days, then all the bugs came back:
- Virtual SD card errors
- Moonraker constantly disconnecting from Mainsail
- Klipper3D crashing in the middle of axis twist compensation
- Klipper3D still overcompensating for the bed mesh (the biggest problem)
At this point, I struggle to see how this could be user error, considering everything has been reinstalled and reflashed from scratch.
What I’m looking for is at least a hint about what could be causing this. Ideally, solutions should be clearly documented in Klipper’s official documentation.
Maybe the solutions are there, but the documentation is as long and complicated as the Old Testament. After spending two weeks trying to understand and implement it, it still doesn’t work because I was looking in the wrong place.
Now I’ve disassembled my gantry again, and when I put it back together, I’ll try the probe location bias test—although I have no idea how it will help. If it turns out to be a probe location bias, then what? There’s no solution for that.
Right now, after two months of troubleshooting, spending a lot of time and money on this project, it’s not fun anymore—not fun at all. It’s frustrating to deal with a dead Klipper forum where no help is available, and the same can be said about Discord.
I’ve asked for help multiple times and received no answers at all. The best response you get is that “Klipper has no bugs; it’s always user error.”
Maybe it is a user error, maybe not. But when there’s no solution, how are you supposed to know? And I don’t see how it can be a user error when you’re following an installation guide step by step.
At this point, I’m just going to keep trying to solve this and hope that, like the guy in that video, I won’t have to sell my printer.