Inductive sensor "triggered after retract"

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 5 Plus
MCU / Printerboard: BTT SKR 1.4 Turbo

I’m trying to upgrade to a Tronxy Black inductive sensor. Part integration successful, feeding it the required 12V and the sensor is able to halt the Z axis once in proximity. However… no settings I’ve found thus far around probing (probe speed, sample retraction distance, lift speed, [de]activate_gcode), Z retraction distance/speed have been able to fix the fact that the printer won’t move out of trigger range for the sensor after homing. Am I missing something?

klippy.log (13.1 KB)

Hello @puttin_in_w0rk !

Maybe the default value for sample_retract_dist is not sufficient and you have to increase it.

@EddyMI3D thanks for the reply, but that setting does not seem to be applicable to the post home lift, I’ve increase from default to 10 and then 20 and they distance at which we retract after home is the same. Speed of retraction post home would probably be helpful here too… Haven’t found the appropriate setting… Still looking, feedback suggestions appreciated.

Try adding a pull-up, i.e.

pin = !P1.27


pin = ^!P1.27

Alternatively try using the probe port P0.10 also potentially with and without pull-up ^

tried with and without the pullup on P1.27 and P0.10 no dice. logs attached.
klippy (2).log (255.2 KB)

Here’s my homing override that brings lowers the bed by 10mm after homing… maybe try something like that (of course, adjust values as needed).

axes: xyz
set_position_z: 0
  G1 Z10 F600
  G28 Y
  G28 X
  G1 X190 Y174 F9000
  G28 Z
  G1 Z10 F600

This will lift Z to 10, home X and Y, center the probe over the bed, home Z, lift Z to 10 again.

thanks for the reply… I tried that and a few variations (increased Z retract distance and speed [F1000], still no dice). what aggressive (should for sure resolve the problem) but safe (within safe Z acceleration for this dual Z machine) should I try next?

Have you tried checking the probe in a dry run?

  1. Move probe away from the bed
  2. Use QUERY_ENDSTOPS and /or QUERY_PROBE to get a status
  3. Hold some metal against the probe
  4. Repeat 3.
  5. Remove the metal
  6. Repeat 3.

thanks for the reply. the triggered/open status is changing as expected. the issue is that I can’t seem to get the head to retract far/fast enough from the bed post home. @Arakon’s idea was a solid lead I think but still not getting the desired result.

@Sineos you got any other leads for me? I feel like I’ve seen a ton of folks with these on their rigs. I’m able to reproduce this on my Ender 5 plus and an Ender 3.

Add the line below to your stepper_z section.

homing_retract_dist: 10

awesome, that worked! thanks bro.