Input shaper issues

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: 4.2.7

Describe your issue:

I’ve been manually configuring input shaper till now, and getting pretty decent results.

I finally got an LIS2DW. It’s screwed to the X carriage, very securely, but I’m getting some crazy results.

Any idea what could be causing this?

My ender 3 has a well tightened frame and linear rails.

I could really use some help, because something seems way off.

That seems to be way to low tension on that particular belt.
How is the heavier Y axis looking?

LIS2DW is also prone to generate/catch much noise. So maybe you want to look for an ADXL345 instead.

I haven’t tried the Y axis yet, but it will be interesting to see what happens.

I have tightened the belts a fair bit with almost identical results.

The interesting thing to me on that graph is that according to it, there is zero amplitude in the X axis vibration.

See Interpreting the Input Shaper Graphs and in particular the last paragraph in this article.

I have a bit of an update. Definitely getting a little closer, but still seeing some odd stuff.

Here is my latest shaper graph.

Looking at other graphs I don’t see anyone else having any magnitude in those earlier frequencies.

My printer is stiff as hell, all linear rails, frame stiffeners, well tightened belts. Low frequency magnitude usually indicates a very loose frame.

My printer sits on a fairly shelf, and also has some raised feet with rubber pads. Could the whole printer be moving at those low frequencies?

What did you do to get a different graph?

And then if you know how to install the Klipper from a different branch (e.g. via Kiauh), you can try this a bit different resonance testing algorithm and see if it produces different results for you:

Compared to the original test, the above graph had 2 changes.

First, I changed the usb c cable, since the results I was getting originally looked like it was possible that the data transfer was messed up.

Secondly, I removed the EPA foam mat, and put the print directly on the shelf.

I saw on another forum post (Input Shaper issues? weirdness - #11 by SuperCow) that someone had a similar looking graph to my most recent, with lots of low frequency amplitude. In this post the solution was to get the linear rails running more smoothly, so that is going to be my next thing to change. I’ll post the results once done.

Update after having a crack at smoothing the rails with knife sharpening stone, and placing back on foam pad.

Slowly seems to be getting there. I do find that double peak interesting though, as well as that small bit of initial amplitude. I guess the rail is still binding somewhat.

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