Install on yum/dnf systems

kiauh 5.0.0-76
Alma Linux 9.3
Intel NUC hardware

Got kiauh installed using git, it’s failing on installing klipper or anything else. I keep getting:

###### Updating package lists...
>>>>>> Updating package lists failed!

Is this just due to the system being rpm based instead of apt? I’d prefer to stay on the Alma Linux for other non-klipper related reasons.

All Klipper guides and especially KIAUH depend on Debian like distributions.

While you can of course stay with yours, it means you have to identify the equivalent packages and install everything manually.

You should only try this if you are really comfortable with Linux.

I do linux sysadmin at an enterprise level for a living so my comfort level is pretty high. Is there a list of what gets installed for each component that KIAUH installs?

I’m fine with dnf/yum installs git clones and python-pip installs. Configuring httpd isn’t my idea of fun but I can usually get it done without too much trouble.


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