Using Kiauh, Klipper install fail, greenlet package

Basic Information:

Host: Linux PC
Printer: Ender 3 v2
Issue: klipper install using Kiauh
Distro: Debian XFCE

Describe your issue:

Installing klipper fails when Greenlet package is supposed to install, i can’t find out how to fix or work around it. Does anyone know how?

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Same issue here.
Did you find a workaround?

I changed linux distro, to Xubuntu. The install had zero problems with that distro.

For this all happens during the install of Klipper using Kiauh, this seems not to be a issue with Klipper but more with Kiauh.

You may get better help there:

It really is strange, but changing distro from debian to xubuntu, was the first working option i found.

That is strange. Ubuntu (xubuntu) is based on debian. Very strange, indeed! Any idea, why?

I am a linux noob, so i am going in completly blind. Tried first to reinstall the packages, that did not help, i then tried a reinstall. The only thing that worked was changing the distro in the end.

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