Issue with ADXL345 connected via USB

Printer Model: Voron 2.4r2
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Octopus Pro v1.0.1, BTT Pi with CB1
printer.cfg (11.0 KB)
klippy.log (2.6 MB)

Hello. I built myself a Voron2.4r2 and with it came a Mellow FLY-ADXL345, it’s connected via USB. I’ve got it running and working, but it is designed to be only put on and connected, when needed. But when I disconnect the ADXL, Klipper shuts down or won’t start, and I don’t know how to fix it or work around it. Does anyone have an idea?

Put the config lines in an extra file and do something like [include fly_adxl.cfg] in your printer.cfg. If not needed, just comment it out.

Definitely makes it easier to comment in and out. Also, sounds like that’s how it is, isn’t it? Could I do a macro to handle something like that?

It is even the way the vendor recommends it.
Using the same method via include as you can transfer it easily to another printer.

I doubt that a macro can handle it as you have to restart the firmware with the changed settings. Otherwise Klipper might complain a missing MCU.

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Ok, thanks for the information. In that case ill comment in and out as needed.

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