I can’t post all the links as new user, so I put them all here: Kit: https://www.3dptronics.com/electronics/56-621-voron-24-complete-ptfe-wiring - Pastebin.com. I will refer to them in the body of this post. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have Voron V2.4 350x350 with recent Canbus (EBB36) upgrade, using CANable adapter (1st link). Raspberry Pi 3B+ (32 bit kernel) and Octopus board. Upon install and setup, I had issues of random error “Lost communication with MCU ‘can0’” while printing. Following this post (2nd link), I found out that it is not hardware/wiring issue, but firmware issue, because ip -details -statistics link show can0
reports no dropped bytes, but mcu can0 interface statistics on Mainsail reported lots of bytes_invalid and bytes_retransmit.
I followed the advice in that post, and flashed updated firmware(3rd link) to CANable via dfu-utils. This got rid of the bytes_invalid and bytes_retransmit (both stayed at 0 even when testing).
However, my printer still randomly shuts down during bed mesh sometimes with the same “Lost communication with MCU ‘can0’” error. Klippy.log ends with Got error -1 in can write: (11)Resource temporarily unavailable'
. If I run sudo dmesg
, I get several Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
errors. However, if I run vcgencmd measure_volts core
(as well as sdram_c, sdram_i, sdram_p), I get completely nominal voltages.
Here are a few screenshots: (4th link)
My klippy.log: (5th link)
I am pretty sure there should be no actual undervolt, because everything was working fine before I added CANBUS to my printer setup. Can anyone help me figure this out?