I am trying to switch from a cheap USB webcam with terrible image quality to one of my CSI/ribbon cable connected cameras that attach directly to the Pi. I’m on a Pi4 and currently testing a RPi cam module 3 (imx708) and a Arducam 16 MP (imx519), both autofocus. The weird thing is that both of the cameras work and are detected, i can run libcamera-hello and get a preview window with an image, but in Fluidd the camera stream is just black, not even a no signal message. Crowsnest log file shows the camera is detected and camera-streamer is started, and no errors are reported. already tried a full system reinstall twice, once with the legacy bullseye image, now I’m back to testing on the latest bookworm image (64, lite).
i have the device set as “/base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/imx708@1a” in the Crowsnest config file, and the camera is setup in Fluidd as WebRTC (camera-streamer). here are some screenshots of all the current settings i have for testing the RPi camera module 3. If anyone has any ideas as to what might be going on, I’m all ears. I’ve been on this for two days now and yet to have any joy.
If I’m not wrong I might have ready recently that Crowsnest and Bookworm are not happy together.
If you use 64 bits this might make it even worse.
Had the same issue on my v0 after installing the RasPi webcam and on my bigger printer with a Logitech C270.
The v0 is now working fine.
You should test it with either limited max_fps=10 or commenting it out and with a much lower resolution.
If this works you can test with higher resolutions step by step and maybe higher FPS.
If I recall correctly camera_streamer is the better choice so this should be fine already.
Hallelujah! I got it working as per your advice. I also took the suggestion of someone on reddit and changed the stream url to webcam/webrtc, but im pretty sure your tip made all the difference. Thank you so much!!! Just had to remember that the legacy image breaks something in klipper and i have to switch from serial by-id to serial by-path in the config, now if i can only get the autofocus to work, right now its a blurry mess. Oh yeah and i switched back to the Arducam which runs its own tweaked version of libcamera, so that should be fun to get working! Wow I accidentaly deleted my first post. I was just gonna add that I pushed it up to 1080p at 30 fps max, but im not gonna try my luck any further, plus thats plenty good enough.
I did see the libcamera settings in the log file but I couldn’t find any documentation on how exactly to implement them. I did what seemed to be right and put the autofocus setting under the v4l2ctl section and it is working now.
Lol, I guess I’m just blind, I cant see any way to mark a post as solved…