KAMP only probing 3x3

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 7
MCU / Printerboard: SKR 1.4 Turbo

Describe your issue:

I have install Kamp for adaptive bed mesh, it is probing the correct area , but only probes 3x3 and does not follow the “probe_count: 5, 5” found in Printer.cfg. I’ve read through the code and it seems like it should work, but I must be missing something. Any help is appreciated.

[bed_mesh] # enable for BLTouch
speed: 50
horizontal_move_z: 8
mesh_min: 35, 35
mesh_max: 255, 260
algorithm: bicubic
bicubic_tension: 0.2
probe_count: 5, 5
mesh_pps: 2, 2
fade_start: 1
fade_end: 10
fade_target: 0

klippy.log (3.7 MB)

KAMP scales down the number of probe points based on the size of the area that is being probed.

Having said that, Klipper now natively supports adaptive meshing.



Have you additionally installed KAMP on Klipper 0.12.0 ?

I am using the latest Klipper and using Kamp.

I’ve done some further checking from " [voidtrance]" comment, and he is correct. The number of positions is based off of the maximum bed size. So it is working as expected.

With the recent version of Klipper, you do not need KAMP:


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