Klipper 0.11.0-271 firmware issue

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Biqu Manta E3EZ + EBB42
MCU / Printerboard: CB1

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Describe your issue:

My printer have Manta E3EZ configured on CAN bus bridge with CB1 and extruder have EBB42 connected to E3EZ CAN port.
I receive from klipper update notice and i perform all updateds. Now Klipper is on vers: v0.11.0-271-g5f990f93. During this update i receive also notification to update board firmware and i did. Until this firmware update of both boards everything was ok, but after update i face with the folowing situation:

  • first , with same configuration i can not see mcu from both boards on klipper interface;
  • second, from printer.cfg comment the boards uuid and now i can see them on command line in ssh mode, not always both;
    In order to convince me that firmware from this update is faulty, i take an CM4 pi and i install last available mainsail image from PI imager and redo all firmware reflashing of mcu’s and now work also on CB1 with v0.11.0-271-g5f990f93.
    If i flash manta E3EZ on usb comunication it worrk, so seems the issue is on CAN Bridge mode.
    Had somebody face with this issue?