Klipper 12 / KAMP Installation Problems / Corrupted Update Manager

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Qidi X Max 3 Revo
MCU / Printerboard: MKS PI X4


I have a strange problem with my KAMP installation that was not able to solve yet.
I would appreciate if someone has an idea and can point me in the right direction.

Klipper 12 and mainsail are freshly installed as well as KAMP following all instructions from Github.

In printer.cfg I included the KAMP folder [include KAMP/*.cfg] but there are empty .cfg files and there read only.
So I created new versions within the config dir and also included it in printer.cfg.

[include KAMP/*.cfg]
[include KAMP_Settings.cfg]
[include Adaptive_Meshing.cfg]
[include Line_Purge.cfg]
[include Smart_Park.cfg]
#[include KAMP/Voron_Purge.cfg]

Is this normal or do I have other problems?

Besides that update manager also tells me that the githup path is corrupted.
This is what I added to moonraker.conf:

[update_manager Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging]
type: git_repo
channel: dev
path: ~/Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging
origin: GitHub - kyleisah/Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging: A unique leveling solution for Klipper-enabled 3D printers!
managed_services: klipper
primary_branch: main

Also there is a remark in the Klipper update manager that “Repo has untracked source files: ['klippy/extras/gcode_shell_command.py’l”

Any solution to make this disappear?
I googled and there seems to be no reason for that.

Klippy.log attached.

Thanks a lot for a short answer!

klippy-4.log (396.3 KB)

I think you won’t need KAMP. In the last update, I think they have included ADAPTATIVE MESHING… But I don’t know how to configure it…

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@Peurif is correct:
Native support for KAMPS has just landed and the relevant config is pretty easy: It is activated automatically if:

  • Naming of objects is defined in the slicer
  • [exclude_object] is set in the printer.cfg
  • enable_object_processing: True is set in the [file_manager] section of moonraker.conf

You cannot change this. This warning appears when the original Klipper sources are modified by unofficial modules.

Well, that’s not entirely accurate. Native adaptive bed meshing was just implemented, KAMP is Klipper Adaptive Meshing & Purging. While adaptive probing is the killer feature that attracts most people to KAMP, some people also want the adaptive purging and smart park macros (or they wouldn’t exist.)

This is also not correct. Adaptive meshing is activated by passing ADAPTIVE=1 when you call BED_MESH_CALIBRATE, it defaults to off.


You are correct. This was imprecise.

I got rid of that by removing it’s incude command in the printer.cfg and removing the file.

It was installed by KIAUH, but I don’t know why or what it is meant for.

Great, thanks guys!

Well I had a ton of problems today with my configuration and KAMP.
In the end I setup the system all new and installed fresh Klipper again.

I want to make use of the native Klipper adaptive mesh feature but was not able to initiate it.

Can someone please tell me how and where to insert this? [ADAPTIVE=[0|1]

Read reference dokumentation all day and I think with my Beacon it should almost look like this:


Unfortunately I get an Error Message.

Klipper reports: ERROR
Option ‘adaptive’ is not valid in section ‘bed_mesh’

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I think this was meant as follows:



So all BED_MESH_CALIBRATE commands need to change to BED_MESH_CALIBRATE [ADAPTIVE=1] or something?

This is my assumption, but I’ve never used it. Maybe @flowerysong might tell more?

You can put BED_MESH_CALIBRATE ADAPTIVE=1 either in your slicer’s start gcode or in a Klipper PRINT_START macro. Of course after homing and I would recommend also after heating the bed.

Note that you need to be on pretty much the latest Klipper git version to use this feature.

Yippie yeah, will do it. Thanks!

So the „margin“ parameter should remain in in printer.cfg correct?
Anything else you would recommend to achieve the worlds best meshing?

I’ve been using ChipCE’s “Klipper mesh on print area only” for adaptive meshing for a long time and it works great.
Today I saw that Klipper now has its own adaptive meshing and wanted to test it, but unfortunately it doesn’t work.

I added it to the printer.cfg
In moonraker.conf
enable_object_processing: True


[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
{% set t_extruder = params.T_EXTRUDER|default(0) %}
{% set t_bed = params.T_BED|default(0) %}
SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.0 ; Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed)
M220 S100 ; Set speed factor override percentage
M221 S100 ; Set extrude factor override percentage
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
M83 ; extruder relative mode
M104 S180 ; set extruder temp to warm up a little
M140 S{t_bed} ; set bed temp
M190 S{t_bed} ; wait for bed temp
G28 ; homing
M104 S{t_extruder} ; set extruder temp
G1 X3 Y30 Z30 F2000 ; go to the waiting position
M109 S{t_extruder} ; wait for extruder temp
PRIME_LINE ; prime a line

After restarting Klipper there was no error message.

But unfortunately it moves the entire bed and not just the area of the printed object as desired.

Klipper version is currently v0.12.0-103-g6ce6fbbc and no newer version is provided.

What’s the mistake here?

Hello @AndyWo !

Maybe it collides with the included Adaptive Bed Mesh in Klipper?


Make sure your slicer is configured to label objects. The latest version of PrusaSlicer can be configured to inject the Klipper’s exclude object gcode commands, eliminating the requirement for Moonraker to process the files:

In Printer Settings → General set the G-Code flavor to Klipper:

In Print Settings → Output Options set Label Objects to “Firmware-specific”:

Also make sure you have PrusaSlicer in “Expert” mode to view these options. See the upper right corner in PrusaSlicer, I accidentally cut it off in the above screenshots.

Sorry, I’m an idiot… :see_no_evil:
In Germany there is the saying “You can no longer see the forest for all the trees”…

For ChipCE’s area mesh I had to create a G-Code macro that overwrites the original BED_MESH_CALIBRATE.

[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE

I have now commented all of this out so that the original from Klipper is used again.
It works now.

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I have installed the adaptive bed mesh . There is always error in update. How i remove this error.

Not sure what you are reporting. Adaptive meshing is now included directly in Klipper and apart from updating Klipper to the latest version there is nothing to install.

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You seem to have a wrong or obsolete section in the moonraker.conf.
Something like this:

[update_manager Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging]
type: git_repo
channel: dev
path: ~/Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging
origin: https://github.com/kyleisah/Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging.git
managed_services: klipper
primary_branch: main

Either delete this, uninstall KAMP and use Klippers native adapting bed mesh as @Sineos already mentioned or correct the above section with valid parameters.

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