Native adaptative mesh support

Basic Information:

Printer Model: vcore 31
MCU / Printerboard: octopuses pro +Ebb42

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Not an issue…

I’ve just updated Klipper, and I’ve seen that one of the new features is the native support of Adaptive Mesh… Which is fantastic!! So far I used Kamp with very good results… But inclusivity is native to Adaptive Mesh… Very big… Congratulations to the developers…

Asking if someone can pass me the link to a guide to set it up, what I’ve found is somewhat fuzzy…


Have you read the official documentation?

I have read…

Yes, I have read it…

but I had some doubts about:

A)- With those additions to the [Bed Mesh] section, it is enough.
B)- Do I have to configure the slicer in some way?

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Actually a good question @Peurif

Coming from KAMPS you would have to:

  • define [exclude_object] in your printer.cfg (going by the code of the new feature, you definitively need this)
  • Have
    enable_object_processing: True
    in moonraker.conf
  • Have the slicer setup to define / name objects

IMO, all are needed, but I did not test it. If so, this information is missing from the official documentation.

Maybe @Kyleisah or @voidtrance can comment.

Klipper’s adaptive mesh support relies on the same setup as KAMP. So, you have to properly configure exclude objects for it to work.

If you have already been using KAMP, then exclude_objects should already be working. In that case, you just need to add ADAPTIVE=1 to BED_MESH_CALIBRATE.

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It would be nice to add these steps mentioned above to the documentation, too. Another hint is still missing: You have to add the BED_MESH_CALIBRATE to your start gcode macro so it’s part of the printed gcode, e. g.


and remove BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=... if necessary.


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