Fill out above information andin all cases attach yourklippy.logfile (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting yourprinter.cfgis not needed Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there
Describe your issue:
While waiting for my MKS nano card to go on my new Voron style printer, I tried installing klipper on my old RepRap with Aduino and Ramps 1.4. After a lot of trouble, I succeeded in installing and configuring my printer.cfg. Everything seems to work except the extruder, which remains silent.
G92 E0
G1 E10 F100
has absolutely no effect in the console
I used the generic ramps.cfg file to configure my printer.cfg but I don’t understand why the extruder doesn’t work.
My motor works perfectly if I connect it to another axis though.
I’ve tried switching the PA2 on and off with no success.
I can’t figure out what’s wrong, it’s silly because this is the last rampart to get my printer working with Klipper.
Oh and I installed Klipper on my Linux Mint.
Here is my extruder info from when I had klipper installed on the Mega/Ramps 1.4 board, although it was for a delta printer, the extruder info should the same for any printer. you might have to change stepper direction (!) or enable/disasble the pull-up (^).
Tanks but this is exactly what I have in my printer.cfg but the extruder motor still refuse to start. I try everything possible on step_pin, dir_pin and enable_pin with no success. However, the motor works perfectly because I’ve connected it to the X axis and it turns. I spent two days looking in all directions but nothing to do. I guess I wasn’t supposed to turn klipper on my ramps. So I put Marlin back on and everything works, it’s crazy.
I’m going to wait until I get my Makerbase MKS nano and finish assembling my new printer to run klipper. I just hope I won’t have to fight again to get it to work.
Yes of course I always heat up nozzle before trying to extrude.
Also, I am still curious about your statement "Klipper says it’s best to cold extrude” - can you explain?
I’ve just reread what I wrote above and I don’t understand it myself.
What I meant was that if you try to cold extrude, klipper doesn’t react and you get an error message saying that the cold extrusion protection is activated. It’s therefore impossible to launch the extuder without first heating it.
Yes, from memory I had to reverse all my axes with respect to the basic printer.cfg taken from the github.
When I start heating the hot-end, it’s at 207°, the extrusion temperature of my pla.
My micro-steps are at 32 because I have DRV8825 drivers, the x, y and z axis not being a problem in klipper, I imagine that for the extruder motor it should be the same. As for distance rotation, I have a bowden belted extruder, which is why the value is so high. printer.cfg (5.0 KB)
It all looks ok; I did notice that you have the Y and Z direction pins reversed, but not the X… could be a cartesian thing (I only have klipper on my two delta printers).
Also, I am not familiar with the “belted” bowden extruder. I am running E3D Titan extruders, which have gear reduction, and have my rotation distance set at 8.0040
Is your rotation distance of 1359.933 in steps/mm??
I would suggest lowering it to say 20, just to see if you can get the extruder to rotate, then calibrate extrusion later.
Have you tried swapping drivers from, say the X or Y motors over to the extruder slot to verify the driver is working?
A quick google search for your belted extruder showed a rotation distance of 22.925… Again, much much lower than what you have set.