Configured correctly but extruder doesn't work!

Printer Model: Makergear M2
MCU / Printerboard: Rambo 1.3L

Describe your issue:
I have the OS specific raspberry pi image of mainsail with klipper installed. Flashed the rambo board, and configuration settings checked at least a dozen times, referencing the schematic. X, Y and Z axis work great, no issues. However the extruder doesn’t move.

The extruder is enabled (can’t move it freely). Yes, the hotend is at 220°C, and the min temp is set to 170°C. Extruder/Retract buttons are not greyed out, I’m able to press them. Commands are accepted in the console and no error messages present. If I go back and flash Marlin, the printer prints perfectly. With no hardware changes and I go back and flash the klipper file, and everything works except the Extruder.

Manually moving extruder via the printer’s LCD does not cause it to move, but I can move all other axis.

Any ideas on how to get the extruder to start moving?

klippy.log (210.9 KB)

Have you tried with simple gcode commands?

G92 E0
G1 E10 F500

You have some obscure macros that can influence proper extrusion.
Did you call them with the correct parameters?

Just found this in the log:

Unknown command:"STEPPER="

Quite strange

The simple gcode commands do not cause the extruder (or anything other axis) to move.

That command “Stepper=” was a console command I gave it on accident.

Where are the macros located so I can remove them?

Found this schematic for RAMBO 1.2e (in section 1.3)

Did you tried to use:
step_pin = PC3
dir_pin = PL6


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Thank you sir, that has solved it.