Klipper/Fluidd on Ender3 s1 Pro - XYZ calibration cube and proper settings

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 s1 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: stm32f401xc

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue:

Just started using Klipper/Fluidd on my Ender 3 s1 Pro and printed out the XYZ calibration cube and had the following issues that I am trying to sort or figure out about. Very new to this game. I used PrusaSlicer to slice the cube. PLA printed @ 205 at 80 mm/s (set in Prusa)

  1. Lines above and below the X and Y show up all around the cube. I am not sure what to call it so I can’t look up how to solve it.
  2. General bulging/uneven corners. Same as above. Not sure what it is called.

Dimensionally, X Y and Z were within 0.05 mm of 20 mm. So, I was very happy with that. My goal is to print 100 to 150 mm/s with acceptable results. Any insights anyone could provide would be appreciated.

Sorry, I can’t include more pictures as a new user.

klippy.log (36.5 KB)

I presume, the cube was better without using Klipper? Maybe you can reply and send us a picture of the same print without Klipper. The thing is, that it could be anything :wink:

BTW: You will not print 150mm/s with a bed slinger. Or my own definition of a “good print” might be totally different from yours :slight_smile:

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