Klipper is getting shut down mid print from something

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Siboor voron trident
MCU / Printerboard: fysec spider 2.3
Host / SBC: orange pi 3b
klippy.log: klippy.cs (github.com)

Describe your issue:

My Trident’s Klipper install has been randomly shutting down due to something. I can tell because when I looked at Orca, moonraker had lost connection to Klipper and once it reconnected, it said that the MCU was shut down.

I am using Danger Klipper but I haven’t narrowed it down to that being the reason it’s getting killed out of nowhere, on top of that it’s only been occurring during prints from what I can tell.

I do neither comment on DK nor support it, but in this case it rather looks like your Pi just rebooted without any apparent Klipper error

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Moonraker was still up from the looks of it. I’m trying another print as it only occured during that.

yeah no, multiple updates later and it still occurs, particularly if anything is at or above 9K accel. here’s the thing the host doesn’t reboot only klipper ends up dead and rebooting… so I’m thinking it’s a watchdog issue with my host

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