Klipper Disconnecting Mid-Print

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: Creality 4.2.7 w/ Raspberry Pi 3B
klippy.log testfastled/klippy (17).log at main · nimane9/testfastled · GitHub

Describe your issue:

Hi, I’m running a fresh install of Klipper/Mainsail/Moonraker/KlipperScreen on the Raspberry Pi desktop OS. My printer will frequently stop in the middle of prints and the screen will show that Klipper has been disconnected. I’ve tried multiple USB ports/connections so I’m not sure if it’s a physical issue. I don’t totally understand how to read the Klipper Log so I was hoping someone could check it out and see if I’m missing something.

Thank you so much!

Hi. Just a thought: Raspberry Pi 3b might have too much lifting to do when running a desktop, plus klipper, moonraker, mailsail and klipperscreen…

I suggest booting to command line and see if you still get disconnects. Check here:
How to Boot to Command Line and SSH on Raspberry Pi (digikey.com)

Cheers Florian

From your log:

Timeout with MCU 'mcu' (eventtime=2147.554361)
Transition to shutdown state: Lost communication with MCU 'mcu'

Typical reasons are

  • Unreliable connection between the printer-board and the MCU
  • Inadequate / over-loaded power supply of either the host or the main power supply
  • Loose connectors / crimping connections or damaged cables
  • Incorrectly powering the printer board over USB instead of the main power supply or supplying power simultaeously via USB and main power supply
  • Issues with the USB port on the Host SBC
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