Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ender 3 Neo
MCU / Printerboard: Creality 4.2.2
klippy.log (5.8 MB)
Describe your issue:
My printer randomly shuts down mid-print on some prints.
I have a few theories why:
1- Idle-timeout. For context, my printer is connected to mains voltage through a relay that Moonraker controls. When I upload a file, it gets added to the job queue. I have configured my printer to automatically start jobs and turn on the relay if the printer is turned off.
Sometimes, I preheat the printer before uploading gcode, and I have only seen the random shutdowns after doing this.
I think my idle timeout is trying to turn off the printer while printing. Line 9088 in the log seems to agree: Receive: 99 63603.079596 63603.078820 11: seq: 14, shutdown clock=101465278 static_string_id=Command request
I have attached just the timeout part of my config file:
idle.cfg (1.2 KB)
Feel free to rewrite this - its quite poorly written
2- Usb serial is poor. My cameras sometimes disconnect and reconnect, so I thought the same thing might be happening. However, I see no such errors in the log.
3- bad gcode. SuperSlicer has been acting up lately - I can no longer use brims since it outputs X coordinates around 270 when I ask for a brim or skirt, even though the bed size is 230. This immediately shuts down the printer - but those errors are specifically visible in the log, and I havent seen them in these shutdowns.
What do you think it is, and what should I do to solve it? Thanks in advance.