I keep getting Timeout, and recently it has increased,
I got a new PSU for the printer, new cables, I moved the USB cable away from any other cables, I used multiple USBs with the same result, I lowered the baud rate to 115200 because others had good luck with it, the only other thing that the pi is doing is the Camera using camera-streamer using an external USB hub with external power, so that it does not draw from the pi.
it could be that I don’t understand the logs yet, because all I understand is that the connection was lost, but no clue why.
I am trying to push the printer further so the acceleration is 3500 while the speed is 150
at this point I don’t know what’s right and wrong haha, it takes awhile to understand how things works, including the baud rate lol.
thanks for pointing out the issue, from what I see from the post you referenced, it most likely the camera (I am pushing prints with the camera disconnected to see if it’s the root cause or not) but if it’s the cause, what can I do next? because I do need the camera to monitor the printer when I am not by the printer, and possibly have cool timelapse
update: I’ve been printing for awhile and didn’t have any problem, the only thing I did was remove the camera, is there anyway to bring back the camera, and not have any issues?
Issue is fixed, for anyone struggling with this too
I simply went through the upgrade process for crowsnest (even though I was on v4 I still did it) and that fixed my issue, been printing with the camera for 2 days and all is well