Klipper Kaptain Web Configurator

Hello All!
I’m using AI to work on a config file generator for Klipper, called Klipper Kaptain, in hopes that it will be useful. Any and all input is welcomed. you can give it a try here. Just know it has a ways to go, so easy on the flames! https://bldc-klipper-aylwardedward.replit.app/ My main goal was to enable using different motor types and porting it to Arduino and others. I think I’ve gotten AI to write all the necessary code to enable Klipper to work on the Arduino giga board with BLDC motors, I just need to test it and request a pull. That is if there’s enough interest.

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That’s a really cool concept! I tried out the config generator, and it seems to work fine for motors. Are you planning to add support for other parts of a 3D printer, like heaters, thermistors, ADXL, etc.?

Yes complete config settings

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It will also integrate with Octoprint

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Octoprint integration is a good idea. Are you planning to open source this? If it’s written in Python, then it would be a neat addition to KIAUH, so your configuration could be created while Klipper is being installed.