So I’ve been fighting layer shifting the past few prints. This last time was a little better than it has been but still not right. I upped the voltage and checked all belts. It was set up perfect about 6 months ago.
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As this is a cartesian printer how was the print oriented on the bed?
Are those shifts in Y (bed movement) or in X (print head movement) axis?
As your hardware might wear or dirt and stuff settles on the rails and other components it is not always working equally for all time. And it can even be that the last time it worked was already next to its limit.
What speed and acceleration settings did you set in your slicer that caused that print to look like this?
The printer.cfg states a maximum of 3000 mm/s². This can be achieved on a bed slinger but might be too much in your case already.
Especially when using stealthchop for X and Y.
How warm or even hot do the stepper motors become during printing?
Are the stepper drivers actively cooled?
Remove the hold_current settings in your stepper sections, especially when it is the same as the run_current.
And if you want fast and successful prints, then use spreadcycle if the rest is clarified.That means, remove stealthchop_threshold in the stepper sections or set it to 0.
The shifting is mainly on the y axis. I will definitely try to change and remove the above suggestions and clean everything up and check all my gears. I did have my z motors at .9. Then I read it should be doubled beings I’m running dual motors on z axis parallel wiring?? So z current is now at 1.8. Which might have helped some but I notice it’s I to a print probably 30 layers high before it starts shifting in the y motor’s direction
Z axis won’t be your problem for that particular issue. It can maybe cause some Z banding.
If the stepper drivers are actively cooled the current can be increased but 1,8 A might be too much for some. What stepper drivers are installed?
Yeah remove the hold_current from all stepper sections!
And remove or set to 0 stealthchop_threshold for at least X and Y. At least for testing purposes.
If you want to get speed out of your printer you want to keep it that way.
If you want to use the more silent StealthChop mode you have to decrease acceleration and speeds.
i believe that fixed my issues thank you. now if i could only get the camera working on the pi. but thats another completely different issue. thanks again