The printer is shifting for every layer. Y- and X- (see picture cube) I try to print the simple cube in Orca slicer.
I have checked the belts and the wheels and that everything is properly secured.
Does any have sugestion to solve this problem.
The printer hade a lite problem after I rebuild the printer four weeks ago, but then the prints was good, then this happen that the printer is shifting for every layer.
I have change the driver current to first to 800mA worked ok, then to 900mA It works better.
The stepper motors for ender 6 is rated for 1.5A, so I can even set it higher. The mcu temperature is under 40 degrees celcius, if it it get over 45 degrees I will put in a extra fan to cool down mcu.
So high current and good cooling for the drivers is the way to go.