Prints shifted to side for every layer

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality Ender 6 with E3D Hemera direct extruder
MCU / Printerboard: Bigtreetech skr mini E3 V3.0
Host / SBC Rasberrry pi 4B
klippy (4).log (2.0 MB)


Describe your issue:

The printer is shifting for every layer. Y- and X- (see picture cube) I try to print the simple cube in Orca slicer.
I have checked the belts and the wheels and that everything is properly secured.
Does any have sugestion to solve this problem.
The printer hade a lite problem after I rebuild the printer four weeks ago, but then the prints was good, then this happen that the printer is shifting for every layer.

You have quite low driver current for the steppers (580 mA).
When the ways the parts move one are a bit sticky, layer shifts can happen.

You may increase the current for X and Y (and also Z) to 800 mA and take care the ways are smooth and everything moves without problem.

I have change the driver current to first to 800mA worked ok, then to 900mA It works better.
The stepper motors for ender 6 is rated for 1.5A, so I can even set it higher. The mcu temperature is under 40 degrees celcius, if it it get over 45 degrees I will put in a extra fan to cool down mcu.
So high current and good cooling for the drivers is the way to go.

Big thanks for the help.